National Roofing Material Price Increase Effective 08-01-2024

National Roofing Material Price Increase Effective 08-01-2024

National Price Increase Announcement: Residential Roofing Products

Dear Potential Roofing Customers,

If you are in the market for a new residential shingle roof, we highly recommend that you schedule your project in the months of June to July due to an upcoming material price increase announcement we just received. Effective August 01, 2024 we will see a material price increase of up to 7% on all residential roofing materials so now is the time to get your roof replaced if you were planning on getting it done in 2024. We currently only have announcements from 3 large manufacturers however when one starts, they all typically follow suit. 

Why Asphalt Roofing Prices Are Increasing?

As you know, the rising cost of raw materials and inflation has affected the cost of roofing supplies and our everyday items in society. Also, recent storm activity across Texas and the U.S. has placed additional demand on the supply. Manufacturers are enacting price increases in either July or August 2024. Taking this into consideration, Lighthouse Roofing & Exteriors expects to institute a price increase on August 1st 2024.

While we know that this is an inconvenience, we feel that it is our duty to keep potential clients and homeowners informed on what is going on in our industry. Contact us at 361-657-0091 or schedule an appointment on our website to get your roofing project done in June or July and save up to 7% on your upcoming roofing project.

Below are the Manufacturer Announcements: